New Query

A query builder is a stateful, transient object. That means that if you want to execute two different queries, you need two separate instances of QueryBuilder.

// This will cause you pain and grief...

var user = query.from( "users" )
  .where( "username", rc.username )

var posts = query.from( "posts" ).get();
// This will error because `username` is not a column in `posts`.

An easy way to get a new query builder is to use the newQuery method available on the builder.

// This will cause you pain and grief...

var user = query.from( "users" )
  .where( "username", rc.username )

var posts = query.newQuery().from( "posts" ).get();
// This will work as we expect it to.

The newQuery method will keep the current grammar, return format, and utils attached to the called query builder.

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