Query Parameters and Bindings

Custom Parameter Types

When passing a parameter to qb, it will infer the sql type to be used. If you pass a number, CF_SQL_NUMERIC will be used. If it is a date, CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP, and so forth. If you need more control, you can pass a struct with the parameters you would pass to cfqueryparam.

query.from( "users" )
    .where( "id", "=", { value = 18, cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_VARCHAR" } );
FROM `users`
WHERE `id` = ?

This can be used when inserting or updating records as well.

query.table( "users" )
    .insert( {
        "id" = { value 1, cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_VARCHAR" },
        "age" = 18,
        "updatedDate" = { value = now(), cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_DATE" }
    } );
    (`id`, `age`, `updatedDate`)
    (?, ?, ?)

Strict Date Detection

By default, qb will try to determine if a variable is a date using the built-in isDate function. This can have some interesting effects with different formatted strings. You can opt in to stricter date detection which will check the underlying Java class of the value to determine if the value is a date. This is more accurate, but does require you to specifically pass date instances instead of strings. For this reason, it is currently opt-in to not break existing applications. It is likely to become the default in the next major version of qb.

You can opt in to stricter date detection by setting strictDateDetection = true in your moduleSettings in config/ColdBox.cfc.

moduleSettings = {
    "qb": {
        "strictDateDetection": true

Numeric SQL Type

By default, qb will use the CF_SQL_NUMERIC SQL type when it detects a numeric binding. You can specify your own default SQL type to use with numeric values using the numericSQLType setting in your moduleSettings in config/ColdBox.cfc.

moduleSettings = {
    "qb": {
        "numericSQLType": "CF_SQL_INTEGER"

There is an opt-in feature to better derive the numeric SQL type for database performance reasons. If you do opt in to this, qb will use a different SQL type for integers than decimals. You can opt in to this feature using the autoDeriveNumericType setting and can customize the SQL types by setting the integerSqlType and decimalSqlType settings.

moduleSettings = {
    "qb": {
        "autoDeriveNumericType": true,
        "integerSqlType": "CF_SQL_INTEGER",
        "decimalSqlType": "CF_SQL_DECIMAL"

Automatic Scale Detection

In some combinations of database grammars and CFML engines, the scale argument on a cfqueryparam would default to 0. This would cause issues when attempting to insert a floating point number, even when using the correct SQL type (i.e., CF_SQL_DECIMAL) . In 8.5.0, qb now automatically calculates a scale based on the value provided if the value is a floating point number. This can be disabled by setting autoAddScale in your ColdBox config or passing autoAddScale = false when instantiating your QueryBuilder instance.


Bindings are the values that will be sent as parameters to a prepared SQL statement. This protects you from SQL injection. In CFML, this uses cfqueryparam to parameterize the values.

If you need to inspect the bindings for the current query you can retrieve them in order using the getBindings method.

You can view the current SQL for the query with bindings inline for debugging purposes using the toSQL method.







No arguments

This method returns the current bindings in order to be used for the query.

query.from( "users" )
    .join( "logins", function( j ) {
        j.on( "users.id", "logins.user_id" );
        j.where( "logins.created_date", ">", dateAdd( "m", -1, "01 Jun 2019" ) );
    } )
    .where( "active", 1 );
    { value = "01 May 2019", cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP"  },
    { value = 1, cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_NUMERIC" }

You can also retrieve the bindings associated to their corresponding types.







No arguments

This method returns the current bindings to be used for the query associated to their corresponding types.

query.from( "users" )
    .join( "logins", function( j ) {
        j.on( "users.id", "logins.user_id" );
        j.where( "logins.created_date", ">", dateAdd( "m", -1, "01 Jun 2019" ) );
    } )
    .where( "active", 1 );
    "commonTables" = [],
    "select" = [],
    "join" = [
        { value = "01 May 2019", cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP"  },
    "where" = [
        { value = 1, cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_NUMERIC" }
    "union" = [],
    "insert" = [],
    "insertRaw" = [],
    "update" = []

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