
This method allows you to create a table object.

The majority of the work comes from calling methods on the Blueprint object. A Blueprint defines the columns and indexes for your tables.


schema.create( "users", function( table ) {
    table.increments( "id" );
    table.string( "email" );
    table.string( "password" );
    table.timestamp( "created_date" );
    table.timestamp( "modified_date" );
    table.timestamp( "last_logged_in" ).nullable();
} );

This would convert to the following SQL in MySQL:

CREATE TABLE `users` (
    `email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    `password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    `created_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    `modified_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
    `last_logged_in` TIMESTAMP,
    CONSTRAINT `pk_users_id` PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Only one table can be created at a time. If you wanted to create multiple tables, you would call create multiple times.

The callback argument is where you define the schema of your table. It is passed a Blueprint object. This is commonly aliased as table in the callback. Blueprint defines the field, index and constraint methods to build your table. You can find a comprehensive list of all available methods here for columns and here for indexes and constraints.

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